Shay Olivarria Slated to Present Two Sessions at Adelante Mujer Latina Conference.


Financial education speaker Shay Olivarria will be presenting two sessions of “Goal Boarding Your Financial Future” at Adelante Mujer Latina 2017. The 10am and 11am sessions will teach participants learn 5 vital personal finance concepts and help participants create an executable plan for reaching the financial goals she sets for herself.

The conference will take place at Pasadena City College in southern California.


Call (323) 596-1843 to talk with Shay Olivarria about setting up a financial education workshop for your group.

ShayOlivarriaHeadshotShay Olivarria is the most dynamic financial education speaker working today. Previous clients include: the Yorba Linda Water District, Verizon, and Friends of Allensworth, among others. She has written three books on personal finance, including Amazon Best Seller “Money Matters: The Get It Done in 1 Minute Workbook”. Shay has been quoted on,, NBC Latino and The Credit Union Times.